Gritty christ-followers
gritty christ-followers
Angela Duckworth defines grit as, "perseverance and passion for long-term goals." At Embrace we understand making disciples as a long, difficult, and rewarding process. Jesus compares the Kingdom of God to a mustard seed, starts out small but over a long time grows into something larger and more significant. Discipleship takes time, risk, courage, patience. It involves intentional study and real-life training. It is involves the head and the heart; deep learning and serious action. Discipleship must take place in authentic communities of love and acceptance that are dedicated to acts of compassion and justice. Disciples give generously and use resources wisely for the Kingdom. Discipleship happens in the real world: homes, street corners, parks, shelters, grocery stores, recovery programs, campuses, after-school programs, bars, coffee shops, churches (church word for this: incarnational). Discipleship and mission are not different concepts: Discipleship is our mission (see Matthew 28).