Masks optionAl

Starting this Sunday (March 27th) masks will be OPTIONAL for our in-person gatherings.

A few important notes:

1 - We will continue to practice physical distancing.

2 - We will have masks available at the welcome tables (N95 masks will be available in the office, upon request).

3 - We will continue to provide online options for our events when possible.

4 - We will continue to share communion at our seats with pre-packaged communion elements.

5 - Communication about personal boundaries and comfort level will be important as we enter this new season of ministry. Adapting to this new normal will take lots of grace, understanding, and love.

6 - We may require masks again as case numbers and risk increase.

Learn About the Bible in 2022!

This year we will offer three classes that will focus on different aspects of studying scripture. You're invited to join us as we grow in our understanding of the Bible!

Part 1: Overview of the Bible

Sundays at 9:00am (5 weeks: 2/27, 3/6, 3/13, 3/20, 3/27)

What exactly is the Bible? How do all the different parts fit together? How does this ancient book written by many different authors spanning thousands of years speak to us today? This class will explore these types of questions. Our discussion will be based upon Pete Enns’ book, How the Bible Actually Works. Each participant will need to purchase a copy of the book (if you need assistance, let us know!).

Part 2: Historical Context of the Bible

Sundays at 9:00am (3 weeks: 6/12, 6/19, 6/26)

If we want to understand the Bible we must understand history. Our sacred scriptures were written in particular times and places that impacted the way the story was told. Also, throughout the history of the church significant moments have impacted the way the Bible is interpreted and understood today. Join us for a three-part class that will focus on three pivotal moments in Christian history: The Early Church, The Reformation, and the Methodist Movement.

Part 3: Study of the Bible

Sundays at 9:00am (5 weeks: 9/18, 9/25, 10/9, 10/16, 10/23)

After learning an overview of the Bible and about its historical context, we will end our year by learning how to study the Bible. In this class we will open our Bibles and study together in community. We will learn some basic Bible study methods and practice these methods while studying the Gospel of Luke.

*All the classes will meet in-person at the church. There will be an an option to participate via ZOOM if you can’t be in-person.

Indoor Worship Resumes! Here is all the important info =)

This Sunday (July 4th) is a BIG day for us. It will be the first time we’ve gathered indoors since March of last year! Since COVID-19 vaccines are now widely available and infection rates are low, we now feel comfortable moving back into our sanctuary for Sunday morning worship. Below is some helpful information so you know what to expect:

1 - We will have one service at 11:00am in our sanctuary (starting July 11th the service will be live-streamed streamed online for people at home).

2 - Masks will be optional. We encourage those who are unvaccinated to wear a mask.

3 - You will be permitted to sit wherever you want in the sanctuary. Though, we ask that you give people space and practice social distancing (particularly with people you do not know or do not know their comfort level).

4 - We will have chairs available in the back of the sanctuary and the balcony will be open for those who want extra personal space.

5 - We will have check-in tables at both entrances. A greeter will welcome you and assist you with any questions or concerns.

6 - We will share communion at our seats with pre-packaged communion elements.

7 - The nursery will be available for children ages 0-3. All nursery staff and volunteers will be fully vaccinated.

8 - Starting July 11th, we will offer an online livestream of our worship service for those who feel more comfortable staying home. We apologize that the live-stream will not be available on July 4th. Some of our new equipment did not arrive in time to have it installed this week.

9 - Communication about personal boundaries and comfort level will be important as we enter this new season of ministry. Adapting to this new normal will take lots of grace, understanding, and love.

*Our guidelines may change as the reality of COVID-19 risk changes.

New Weekly Schedule (UPDATED MAY 25th, 2021)


(Updated on May 25th, 2021)


9:00am - Outdoor Worship Service on our Lawn (masks are optional, social distancing is required)

11:00am - Worship Service on Facebook Live


4:00pm - Prayer & Sharing on ZOOM*

8:00pm - Sermon Talk-Back Session on ZOOM*


6:00pm - Youth Group (in-person at church)

7:00pm - Wednesdays on the Lawn (in-person at church outdoors)

*ZOOM Link posted weekly on Embrace Church Community Facebook group

Holy Week Events

Holy Week Events

Wednesday, March 31 at 7:00pm (CANCELED FOR WEATHER)

The Passion of Jesus Story (in-person on our lawn)

Friday, April 2 at 7:00pm

Good Friday Service on Facebook Live

Sunday, April 4th at 7:00am

Outdoor Easter Sunrise Service (in-person on our lawn)

Sunday, April 4th at 11:00am

Easter Worship Service on Facebook Live